
Sculpture is a modeled three-dimensional fine art
From the figures of the Paleolithic Venus, created ten thousand years ago, to this day it
remains one of the most important ways to express human aspirations. For centuries it has
been developed in close connection with architecture and has embodied the greatness and
the power of the religion and the sovereigns.
Today, the artist understanding, the techniques and materials are much richer. Trends,
movements, styles exist peacefully all together. The sculpture becomes more accessible and
desirable in our home.
Sculpture types
The main types are reliefs and free-standing works. The reliefs are sculpted as convex or
concave figures on a support that plays the role of their background. They are designed to be
seen in front or in side view.
The three-dimensional free-standing sculptures can be placed anywhere and viewed from
any angle – they do not have a face and a back in the common sense of the word.
It is not by accident that in the exhibition halls they stand on pedestals, so that they may be
seen from all sides. Therefore, when you buy a sculpture for your office or for your home,
you should carefully choose its place.
The sculpture can be designed to decorate parks and public spaces, to mark historical
events. The small sculpture once had a ritual significance, and today it satisfies the peoples
aesthetic needs and aspirations for beauty.
Materials and techniques for making sculpture
Traditional materials include stone, wood, bone, metal – especially bronze, clay, plaster and
Today, fiberglass, textile, rubber, foam, papier-mâché, various plastics, pieces of obsolete
machines and equipment, etc., are also used.
Depending on the materials, different techniques are applied:
 Modeling, addition – for plastic materials (clay, wax, plasticine)
 Sculpting, cutting, taking away – for solids (wood, stone)
 Molding, forging, flowing (for metals)
 Construction and assembly (for modern installations)
In practice, almost every work begins its life as a model of soft modeled material – clay, wax,
plasticine, plaster etc.

Uniqueness of the sculpture
In most cases the sculpture is unique. This is especially true for those works made of stone
and wood, where it is difficult to reproduce exactly the same copies. The reproduction is
possible with the molded works. In this case, the sculptor announces the total number of the
molded copies and numbers them. If you want to be the owner of an unique statuette, buy
its matrix.
We are the Gallery Maestro
We have a very rich, precisely selected collection of sculptures made by professional
authors. Each of them has its own distinctive appearance and aesthetic and will give
individuality and style to your home. The small plastics are extremely suitable as a gift for
special occasions.
If necessary, you can get an expert assessment from a licensed art critic, as well as an export
You are welcome. We will help you to choose.
