In the Gallery Maestro we offer you paintings, graphics, sculpture and icons by established
Bulgarian artists. In the same time, we provide additional services that are directly related to
the possession of art works. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to take care of
them and for you to have only the pleasure of your contact with the selected painting, small
plastic, graphic or icon.
Consultation on purchase
We will not only help you to choose your picture from many others. If you live in Sofia and
you hesitate in your choice, we offer a unique service – to check which will fit the best place
at your home or office. We will come with our own transport.
The frame can accentuate the beauty and the character of the art work, but can also
depersonalize it. In order to not look around to search of framing studios and to save you the
risk of coming across an unsuitable master, we offer you this service. We work with selected
materials and experienced professionals.
Free delivery within Sofia
If you prefer online purchases, we will deliver the selected art work safely and quickly to the
indicated address. The service is free.
We provide expert evaluations from licensed art critics.
It is not necessary to get through the special training to enjoy the works of fine art. But
sometimes – when you buy a gift, for example – you need to be sure of the artistic and
aesthetic value of the chosen painting or small plastic. We offer you to take advantage of the
expert evaluation of licensed art critic. We will help you to get it.
We assist in issuing certificates of authenticity
It is perfectly normal to want a convincing proof of the authenticity of the art work you want
to own. Therefore, we will help you obtain a certificate of authenticity. You will be amazed
at how many people utilize that service.
We will help you obtain an export certificate
The export certificate is obligatory when you want to transport a work of art abroad – icons,
paintings and drawings, sculptures, graphics. Without this certificate you will have serious
troubles and you will have to take it out at the end. Our team is at your disposal to save you
problems – just contact us.
Service for packing and sending paintings in the country and abroad
Packaging may seem simple, but if you have experience of damage to an art object due to
poor package, you know it has particularities – especially when the painting will travel far.
We will assist you at every stage from sending the paintings to their final destination in the
country and abroad.
We accept orders for portraits based on a photo
You have wanted maybe for a long time to have an artistically painted portrait, but you don’t
know an artist, you don’t have time to pose for days, you think it will be very expensive.
Send us a photo of high quality and you will soon enjoy your painted portrait.
We execute orders for caricatures based on a photo
It is almost the same as the portrait based on a photo - it is enough to not take yourself too
seriously and have confidence to order your personal caricature. Or a friendly take-off.
We provide professional restoration
Time does not spare the most beautiful painting or the most exquisite marble or bronze
sculpture. Contact us if you need restoration. Taking advantage of our service, you will
restore the brilliance of your art object ant prolong its life.
We will be happy to welcome you at our Gallery Maestro at 37, Tsar Samuil Str., Sofia.